News and Announcements
Audio Modeling Community (Beta) is online now

Audio Modeling team is proud to announce the launch of the Community Area.
This is a place for sharing our music experiences, talk about audio Modeling products, improve our knowledge for building together day by day better musical instruments.

We want to listen to our customers, see and hear what people can do with our instruments and have a trip with passionate people to leave our contribution to music makers history. We want also to share our philosophy, why we are making expressive instruments and we want you to transfer as much as we can this vision to allow our customers and followers to discover new ways to play, perform and be inspired with their instruments.

This is just the beginning, we have launched a new website but in the next months there are exciting news about new products and activities.

The Community Area is still in Beta, we are finalizing and testing it, please be patient if you find some issue but consider this place your home, the home of music.

Have fun!

The Audio Modeling Team

Audio Modeling team is proud to announce the launch of the **Community Area.** This is a place for sharing our music experiences, talk about audio Modeling products, improve our knowledge for building together day by day better musical instruments. We want to listen to our customers, see and hear what people can do with our instruments and have a trip with passionate people to leave our contribution to music makers history. We want also to share our philosophy, why we are making expressive instruments and we want you to transfer as much as we can this vision to allow our customers and followers to discover new ways to play, perform and be inspired with their instruments. This is just the beginning, we have launched a new website but in the next months there are exciting news about new products and activities. The Community Area is still in Beta, we are finalizing and testing it, please be patient if you find some issue but consider this place your home, the home of music. Have fun! _The Audio Modeling Team_
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