About this forum
Forum & Community Rules

The Audio Modeling Community is provided to you as a central place to discuss all creative and technical aspects of Audio Modeling products, as well as all aspects of music performance and production in general.

Audio Modeling is glad to offer a community area where opinions can be exchanged freely as long as the discussion remains reasonable. To maintain these forums as a pleasant place for all, we ask all visitors to follow common sense and courtesy, and respect a certain set of rules.

Please maintain a friendly tone at all times towards other forum members, the people at Audio Modeling and all other parties on these forums. A constructive approach, especially on controversial topics, guarantees a productive and enjoyable discussion for everyone.

Please also keep in mind that many users on these forums are not native English speakers.

If you are unfamiliar with online communities, please consider reading about "Netiquette" before posting: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/7-netiquette-guidelines-writing-emails-forum-posts/

In general, please treat other people on this forum as you would like to be treated yourself.

Please note that this is not a tech support forum. If you experience technical problems with an Audio Modeling product, please open a support ticket .

Forum Rules

The following things are not allowed on these forums:

  • messages that are obscene, hateful, abusive, threatening or otherwise violative of any laws
  • condescending or patronizing behavior towards other forum members
  • messages designed to insult or slander the Audio Modeling team, or any other person or company
  • posting of copyrighted pictures, texts, audio or similar material unless explicit permission exists
  • disclosure of private or confidential information that might be damaging to any person or company discussion of software piracy, regardless of perspective
  • posting of marketing texts or press releases that refer to products not associated with Audio Modeling
  • posting of identical topics across multiple threads or forums (cross-posting)
  • advertisement of commercial products or services of any kind, unless explicit permission exists
  • direct or indirect representation of a manufacturer, retailer or any other commercial entity
  • usernames that wrongfully impersonate existing people or organizations, or that are offensivin any way
  • usage of excessive formatting to artificially increase attention for individual threads, e. ALL CAPS
  • using more than one forum account, or any other misleading usage of foruidentities
  • any kind of private sales, direct or indirect, outside of official "Buy&Sl" threads
  • messages specifically designed to inflame controversy or exert pressure on Auo Modeling
  • any action that is aimed to disrupt the operation of the forums or to offend its visitors in any way

Postings that fall under any of these criteria might be edited or deleted by forum administrators or moderators without further notice. Audio Modeling also reserves the right to disable the account of members who repeatedly violate the forum rules.


Although the administrators and moderators will attempt to keep all objectionable content off these forums, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and Audio Modeling will not be held responsible for the content. Audio Modeling also assumes no obligation to edit or delete postings against its own discretion.
For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately!

The Audio Modeling Community is provided to you as a central place to discuss all creative and technical aspects of Audio Modeling products, as well as all aspects of music performance and production in general. Audio Modeling is glad to offer a community area where opinions can be exchanged freely as long as the discussion remains reasonable. To maintain these forums as a pleasant place for all, we ask all visitors to follow common sense and courtesy, and respect a certain set of rules. Please maintain a friendly tone at all times towards other forum members, the people at Audio Modeling and all other parties on these forums. A constructive approach, especially on controversial topics, guarantees a productive and enjoyable discussion for everyone. Please also keep in mind that many users on these forums are not native English speakers. If you are unfamiliar with online communities, please consider reading about "Netiquette" before posting: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/7-netiquette-guidelines-writing-emails-forum-posts/ In general, please treat other people on this forum as you would like to be treated yourself. Please note that this is not a tech support forum. If you experience technical problems with an Audio Modeling product, please [open a support ticket](https://support.audiomodeling.com "open a support ticket") . ## Forum Rules The following things **are not allowed** on these forums: - messages that are obscene, hateful, abusive, threatening or otherwise violative of any laws - condescending or patronizing behavior towards other forum members - messages designed to insult or slander the Audio Modeling team, or any other person or company - posting of copyrighted pictures, texts, audio or similar material unless explicit permission exists - disclosure of private or confidential information that might be damaging to any person or company discussion of software piracy, regardless of perspective - posting of marketing texts or press releases that refer to products not associated with Audio Modeling - posting of identical topics across multiple threads or forums (cross-posting) - advertisement of commercial products or services of any kind, unless explicit permission exists - direct or indirect representation of a manufacturer, retailer or any other commercial entity - usernames that wrongfully impersonate existing people or organizations, or that are offensivin any way - usage of excessive formatting to artificially increase attention for individual threads, e. ALL CAPS - using more than one forum account, or any other misleading usage of foruidentities - any kind of private sales, direct or indirect, outside of official "Buy&Sl" threads - messages specifically designed to inflame controversy or exert pressure on Auo Modeling - any action that is aimed to disrupt the operation of the forums or to offend its visitors in any way Postings that fall under any of these criteria might be edited or deleted by forum administrators or moderators without further notice. Audio Modeling also reserves the right to disable the account of members who repeatedly violate the forum rules. ## Disclaimer Although the administrators and moderators will attempt to keep all objectionable content off these forums, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and Audio Modeling will not be held responsible for the content. Audio Modeling also assumes no obligation to edit or delete postings against its own discretion. For breaking above rules you may be warned/banned appropriately!
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